Ride Groups: Speed/Distance Parameters
We have a number of groups, each with its own speed/distance parameters which ride leaders are asked to observe. Members are not tied to a specific group and often ride with a different group if they want to challenge themselves or fancy something a little more relaxed. Groups are limited to 10 riders; if more than 10 wish to join a ride, the group will split (each subgroup with its own designated leader).
Most of our rides do NOT have a café stop, but instead have a roadside 'banana break'. Riders are advised to carry adequate food and drink with them.
Weekly ride leaders and destinations are shown on the Club's Spond app. Details of this are given on joining.
Saturday Rides (Horsham Park Bandstand - map)
Social: c25 miles @ 11-14.5 mph
Intermediate: c30 miles @ 14-16.5 mph
Sporting: c35 miles @ 16-18 mph
Sporting+: c35 miles @ 18+ mph (Sporting+ does not schedule a ride every Saturday - see Spond for details)
The above Saturday rides depart at 08.30 (BST) / 09.00 (GMT) and aim to be back in Horsham c10.30/11.00.
Longer Ride: c50+ miles, speed varies (The Longer Ride is not scheduled every Saturday; see Spond for details)
Sunday Rides (Carfax - map)
Social 1: 25-35 miles @ 11-14 mph. Departs 09.20 (normally has a café stop)
Social 2: 30-40 miles @ 12-14.5 mph. Departs 09.20
Intermediate: 35-45 miles @ 14-16.5 mph. Departs 09.15 (group will split as two faster/slower groups when needed)
Sporting 1: 40-50 miles @ 16-17 mph. Departs 09.10 (normally has a café stop)
Sporting 2: 40-50 miles @ 16.5-18 mph. Departs 09.10
Sporting 3: 45-65 miles @ 17-19.5 mph. Departs 09.05
Sporting 4: 19+ mph (no upper speed/distance parameters). Departs 09.05 (08.00 for longer rides)
Longer Ride: c65+ miles, speed varies (The Longer Ride is not scheduled every Sunday; see Spond for details)